Began: December 28, 2008
Finished: April 22, 2009
I've finished the quilt, and now that the parents-to-be have seen it, I can post pictures here. Here is the back:

I looked at so many quilts online to find inspiration for this quilt, but I pretty much worked out the plan for it myself. I used various pictures as templates for the appliqued animals--I think the only one that I found from a quilt pattern was the giraffe, from Oh Fransson!, and I modified that one, too. I started by creating different animal blocks, knowing that I wanted to have 9 blocks with a different animal in each one, and white sashing in between. Several quilts from Crazy Mom Quilts inspired me to do the blocks this way, alternating borders of white with the prints. She also inspired me to do a pieced back, although I came up with the design for it myself. I had to have that extra strip of small patches of prints on the back (they were 4.5" squares) because the back just wasn't going to be quite wide enough without it.
Oh, Katie, i just love the quilt! I've been watching the progress and was so glad to see it as a finished object! You did a beautiful job. The animal designs are wonderful, and I especially love the creative way you did the backing. Lucky parents-to-be!
love, carol
we are SOOOOO lucky! will and I absolutely adore this quilt. for a while at least it will probably be displayed on the wall rather then used by the baby. in fact, i might not ever let this baby get near it for fear of ruining it! it is so precious. thank you !!! michele
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