My poor sublime dk yarn has been frogged so many times. First there was the circular shrug disaster that I tried to salvage and ultimately ripped out in frustration. Then I started my slinky ribs sweater with it (knowing I'd need to purchase a couple more balls of yarn.) I cast on for the medium size, but it was looking so darn tiny with the beginning ribbed section that I switched to the size large quite early on. Tuesday evening I cast off on the bottom edge, and tried it on, to discover that it was quite huge on me. (Truth be told, I wasn't too surprised.) This is what it looked like:

I couldn't stand the gaping around the middle stockinette portion, and the ribbing really needs to be stretched out to look good. So I ripped it back almost to the beginning and am re-knitting it in a size medium. I am pretty sure this is going to be a good fit, though. And this second time through it's going much faster. I think I'll be knitting the sleeves on by the end of this long weekend.
I've made a couple modifications this time around, too. I decided to raise the neckline, so I began neckline decreases at the same time that I started armhole decreases. Then, I knit for several inches longer before joining the fronts, so my neck opening that will have buttons is almost 6 inches deep, instead of 3.5. And, I continued the ribbing for a longer stretch than the pattern calls for. (On the first version, the ribbing stopped just below the bust and it was not flattering.) I'm also going to add a couple inches in length, I think.