I am sick of this knit. I don't know why; it's a fairly easy pattern with just enough interest, and my yarn is very soft to the touch. But I hate working on it. Sigh.
But I have finished my quilt top. I've been told I shouldn't post any more quilt pictures here, so this is mostly a Clementine picture. She loves to quilt. Today I will start on the back.
Warning: this post contains images from the baby quilt in progress, so if you don't want to see those, read no further! To prevent unintential viewings of the secret pictures, however, here is something cute to start the post with. I spotted this while walking in my neighborhood and thought it was so sweet and needed to be documented. I hope Caleb doesn't mind. And now...the quilt. Below are the animal blocks that I have finished so far. Five down, four to go.
I started this pincushion months ago, and finally finished it this weekend after obtaining a dollmaker's needle (required to thread the ribbon through the center of the pincushion.) The pattern is from Heather Bailey's blog, which can be found here: http://www.heatherbailey.typepad.com/