My mother has had the most hideous placemats on her kitchen table for as long as I can remember. They are crocheted in a teal and avocado acrylic yarn, and they are incredibly grungy. For years I tried to get her to upgrade; I even bought her a set of lovely linen placemats, but she refused to use them. Once when my Auntie Anne was visiting us, she and I were sitting at the kitchen table and the following conversation took place:
Auntie Anne: Your mother has had these placemats for 30 years!
Me : I know! Aren't these the ugliest placemats you've ever seen in your life?
Auntie Anne: I made these placemats.
At any rate, I am hoping that if I make her a replacement set, perhaps Auntie Anne's will finally be retired. So this is what I whipped up yesterday (made from a free pattern that I found online.) If mom agrees to use them, then a set of matching napkins will be coming her way, too!